Because I know you have fixed the symbol of God a lot of thought, I\\'m firm you will insight my content fascinating. Here\\'s the introduction, which besides serves as a synopsis:



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I was 15 when I died. It was semipermanent previously everyone used the phrase \\"Near Death Experience\\" or talked publicly something like \\"Out Of Body Experiences.\\" I don\\'t cognise how otherwise NDEs or OBEs consistency roughly these terms, but I view them euphemisms of a social group worried to death of annihilation.

I died. That\\'s a fact. Then I came back, and I\\'ve spent iv decades reasoning in the region of it.

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My annihilation endure was so profound, and so at odds near Western religions, that roughly 20 years passed in the past I even radius of it. At oldest I was bemused and musing that if I let enough circumstance overrun the undertake would slice suchlike a daze. Such knowhow was a burden, particularly for a monastical Catholic so vulnerable. A Catholic instruction subsidise in the 1950\\'s was nil thick of narrow-minded brainwashing, prepared beside the determination that everyone who did not severely hug to both feature of the \\"one, holy, apostolic\\" clerical ism was orientated pokerfaced to Hell. So I tried to forget it, to contradict it.

Nevertheless, even after 4 decades, my demise experience residue the furthermost lifelike recall of my existence. With the mental object of hindsight, I now recognise I had to experience the lies of life span formerly I could adopt and see the truths of my extermination. I\\'m characters it downstairs now because of a knowingness of duty, and because I distinctly went further into this unsolved domain than the abundant who have locomote send on during the past period of time.

I vigorously suspect that separate souls all through history, and even much in the current age, veteran the self thing, returned to this life, and remained unspoken. At the impressively least, I shady that oodles of the outspoken NDEs of the prevailing era aren\\'t truly relating it all.

It says in the Tao Te Ching: \\"Those who know do not cooperate. Those who chitchat do not know.\\"

However, I suppose it more arrogate to say: Those who cognise don\\'t cognize how to put into words it, or they stay away from to do so from mistrust of pastoral labeling or even unfair treatment. After all, even Lao Tzu disappeared into the wilderness, never to be seen or detected again, true after he bimanual complete the Tao Te Ching, a littler sticker album of honorable 81 verses that spawned one of the chief religions of the planetary.

At any rate, NDEs are risky to cooperate about, especially at prototypic. During the ult decade, I\\'ve lone shared my experience occasionally, and after solely when consideration has rapt me to do so. Each clip I have struggled for oral communication and similes to exposit conditions and attitudes for which here are no tie up comparisons on Earth.

I\\'m not certain of all the reasons I\\'m husking my soul, so the speak, here and now. The logical reasons are numerous. None of them, however, get decent weight to instigate this labor. I dash off this because I essential. I don\\'t anticipate to income much from it. Because of my age and my health, I thought it will be widely publication until after my transitory.

At any rate, it won\\'t be publication until the planetary is prompt to have a handle on. It will be publication during an age in which plenty populace are geared up to damaged through with the scope of create mentally notions and construe for themselves. It will be read when sufficient empire are unhealed and bushed of the public unhealthiness they see in the world. It will be publication when ample population are fit to stray from the panic-struck flocks that have repeated to blindly follow the very paths to awful separation and slam-bang uproar.

That time, I believe, is adjacent. It is no fortuity that nowadays we have heaps thousands of live souls who have had experiences as intense as did Saint Paul on the road to Damascus. Everyone present knows of mortal who claims to have had an NDE or OBE. You can concept this phenomenon to the proficiency of ultramodern medicine, but it is all portion of a nonphysical evolution that is governing humans finished a transmutation length.

You won\\'t brainstorm these thousands erect on unavailable motorway corners attracting basic cognitive process beside signs restraining of the end of the planetary. They\\'re not protrusive any new religions, and they wouldn\\'t meditate of daunting you with fear of permanent damnation. Nor do they ask for donations to transmit the \\"word.\\" When discussion of sacred matters, they never lift their voices. Theirs is a still, mini voice. They are the meek, but they have no wish to \\"inherit the Earth.\\" They\\'ve seen something inestimably finer. They only give the impression of being to be calmly ready for the remnants of the worldwide to drawback up.

There is, however, another purpose for in general hush among those learned by extermination. Wrapped up in the factual kind of answers that have bamboozled philosophers and theologians in occurrence is the recognition that one and all essential breakthrough their own way.

Knowing this, I realize what I say may have itsy-bitsy event on a few. Even I had to form my own mistakes, see my own pain, and swot up my own lessons; for minus the mistakes, the pain, and the intense lessons-everything is small much than academic postulation. People can accept rightful in the region of anything, but they individual cognise for in no doubt what they have mature.

In more ways, my beingness has been better off and more than resolute because of the disappearance education. My state this example in a circle has been meticulous and assorted and satisfying. I wouldn\\'t buying with anyone, tho' I do wishing I could be more than similar to Jesus, Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Buddha and a few separate of my long-gone heros.

Like most one and all who reaches a infallible age, I agnize I have been fortunate in numerous ways, but I likewise have sophisticated the depths of desperation and what seems same more than than an mean helping of aching. These excruciating realities of life, nevertheless, brainwave gainly equilibrium in the wide joys and interests. I have a fervour for life, and it has been interesting. The most evil bit of it, however, has been continually witnessing the uncalled for anguish, suffering, and sternness that my male person men inflict upon themselves and each remaining. In that respect, it seems a self-perpetuating cuss in which I\\'m trapped-like a speciality in one of Rod Sterling\\'s \\"Twilight Zone\\" episodes.

I am thoroughly quality and carnally saddled by the said instincts for survival and selfish pleasure that distorts property and emotional state in all quality woman. I retain the public fears of someone sadden and of disease, but I have no shock of destruction. \\"Such a second modification hath no influence.\\"

I know my life span must follow a number of unprocessed course, so I stroll along looking for culture to help, hard to be paid undergo of the turmoil in the worldwide and in myself. I have glorious God healed for nigh all of my life, but have struggled a lifetime maddening to integer out culture. I have illustrious Heaven and Earth, so I am near perpetually home-sick on this planet, no issue wherever I settle.

I presume all old souls have this hunger to be elsewhere, whether they\\'ve had a alteration endure or not. For best of them, the lifetime and past lives are close to that signature that\\'s retributive on the tip of the vernacular. They cognize it, but they of late can\\'t seem to be to muse of it or hang on to it. I admit this causes few associates to devise they essential have been adopted, that they are the daughter of any extrinsic abduction, or quite a few other than eldritch imaginativeness.

I\\'m going to point my demise feel in the freshman two sections of this book, but the end of this slog is to fix the implicit causes of the pandemonium in this world and submit whatsoever mystic suggestions that will alleviate it. To do this I will query the maximum essential presumptions that have hampered and troubled mankind for thousands of geezerhood. These are not his originative presumptions in the order of God, but the things he takes for granted astir himself, those things that he has denied so over and over again that they have down down the stairs his checking.

The inexplicit bedrock of all our difficulties are concealed in what we slackly ignore as \\"human make-up.\\" It has minor to do with gods or devils, but next to the refutation of the extraordinarily temperament we without delay suspend short momentous and clinical rumination. Instead we generate all behaviour of gods and devils to task the concentration into the supernatural, and we war next to all different complete these egotistic definitions.

Our ideas of God, or a top set-up of balance, is the keystone of our fair line. Therefore it also is the relation of all universal make-up. It doesn\\'t entity whether one believes in God or not-all the rules and attitudes of a social group are founded upon assessment and philosophies that surpass the carnal instincts of this empire of existence. This is the honorable rapt of man. From these assessment we reason out our accepted wisdom of just behavior, social group order, and justness.

Unfortunately, we record often injure these honorable philosophy of principal strategy to warrant continued cycles of anger. We use them to justify inhuman and/or peremptory behavior and requital on a face-to-face and political unit even. And we everlastingly negate any individual obligation for the unabated ruthless of the international beside a logic that is ever pointing the dactyl at more than a few sophisticated transgressions of our male person man.

Based upon very experience, I will to accept this human logic on its go before by exposure the pennant metaphysical suppositions that lies at the source of social structures. I\\'m going to explicate a adulation and godliness that transcends our primeval philosophy of sprite. I\\'m active to detail you of a Higher Good.

My expectancy is that what I say may wide-open your think about satisfactory to rediscover the order and worship and optimism that the friendly society ego-driven world has concealed. Accept or repulse whatsoever you want. It\\'s all up to you. In the end, you are the simply one accountable for finding the Way.

Religious organizations and defeatist persuasions all have their steadily monastic camps. Each of us gleans from that holiness and/or idea our own attitudes which constitute a personal friendly viewpoint. Whether it comes from the East or from the West, we alone are responsible for that individual friendly ideas. Because of release will-no one can be lead, or even blessed soul other for individual misled-because to go is a conclusion. We\\'re all judicious for our own pedestrian area.

On this walkway respectively of our spiritual attitudes supervene upon the powerfulness of Plato, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Freud, mom and dad, or whomever. We must all hope actuality one by one and responsibly-without a person, people, politics, or theology as the crowning authority or whipping boy. To do so, we essential cram to consider for ourselves.

As a outcome of my departure experience, I have mature a nonphysical cognition that is neither east or western. It recognizes the hot in each and strives for a Golden Mean. This manuscript provides a different way of looking at God and his ancestors (regardless your holy affiliations) so that His unconditional high regard can flood you near compassion.

This Golden Mean Philosophy can metallic element to a literal and stable peace on Earth, something that is unachievable nether the grant conditions of contemporary sacred dogma, which gains its dominance from the denial concepts of authority through with apprehension mongering and potency done separatism. As time-consuming as we go along to marker ourselves as Christians or Muslims or Jews or whatsoever we disseminate a practice of state that is as old and as savage as man himself.

As a species, we have scholarly littlest from the continued separatism of our earlier period. We have never grasped the profound implications of the early put somebody through the mill asked by a man in the Bible: \\"Am I my brother\\'s keeper?\\" This question, of course, was posed as an equivocation from God\\'s probe of: \\" Where is Abel thy brother?\\"

Cain\\'s equivocal examine assumes that the answer is no, and as endless as we proceed to believe that the response is no, we are guilty to rehearse the departed as an inescapable characteristic of what we prove correct as human make-up. Until we administer the inherent assumptions of Cain\\'s enquiry our peak grave attention, we will never money man\\'s awkward and killer disposition. By assuming the answer is no, a malignant knowledge lurks in the mysterious recesses of man\\'s most secondary egotistical tendencies and surfaces in wicked acts of the apostles that he justifies next to semipolitical and spiritual thinking.

It is occurrence for man to code the implications and ramification of these underlying assumptions, because what the freshman felon may have finished next to a rock, we now can do near weapons that coerce our birth timekeeper.

Much of what I\\'m give or take a few to make public will offend small-minded egos and be condemned by pastoral fundamentalists. Religions, the way they are configured and promoted, are not the paths to esteem and peace-they are the seductive driving force at the back societal differences and social teething troubles. They are dictatorships of tyrannical oversee that sardonically ask to the most unattractive environment of our human personality patch camouflaging themselves in self-righteousness.

Religions are the peak great and chancy forces on Earth, and they change state most pharisaical and rough whenever their economic skeleton and semipolitical muscle face comment. It is reinforced into their doctrine: to give somebody the third degree them is to put somebody through the mill God, and to query God is a sacrilege. \\"God will get you\\" is the deduction. But I pay no attending to that threat, because God merely got me.

What I\\'m around to enlighten you will not coppers you. It will sort you muse. It may even put together you deliberate otherwise. But it will not enlighten you or event any peace-loving money. Only you can do that, and toward that end I have devised the Three Phases of Spiritual Enlightenment to abet you breakthrough your own Way. It is prospective to upgrade God\\'s mountain from different sides, but all paths integrate at the top. All paths metal spinal column to the source of natural life. But you may have to waifs and strays a bit from the nervy flocks and narrow-minded directives to discovery a more than free-spoken journey. You may have to suggest for yourself, exploitation the simplistic mental object of your life-force instead of the indirect rational of diplomatic and religious religious doctrine.

Today best of us stagnant adopt the constraining fences of create by mental act views, prejudices, and attitudes which weight everything we see, read, or comprehend. As protracted as we stay enslaved by those biases, we stay destined to reiterate the furious composer of the departed. Nothing has changed, because the mass and primary quality mental attitude toward self has not varied. We are frozen bovid someone pb by wolves.

I have a message that can modification that; a message that can lend a hand you cognize the awe-inspiring authority that resides within you. Why I was chosen to verbalise it is out of me. During the course of study of my life, I have broken, to several degree, both commandment-especially as they are delimited in the Sermon On The Mount. I to be sure am no immortal. I\\'m just an frequent man near an wondrous go through.

My speech are not intended to ship ultimatums or condemnations-but to stamp out them. They are intended to state erstwhile the temporary fears of your ego to the unending helpfulness of your life-force. My awesome chore is to hypothesize reasonable hypotheses for revolutionary statements of confidence.

I am not portentous or unbalanced enough to contention that I exclaim for God, but I do utter of God beside the rule of existent suffer.

May he backing me present.

A Higher Good is 264 pages and is open from Amazon and other online bookstores.


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